How to add WIFI functionality to AM62x?
How to add WIFI functionality to AM62x?The AM62x series from Texas Instruments (TI) is a powerful platform for i
Experiences of Using Commonly Used Git Commands in Linux
Experiences of Using Commonly Used Git Commands in LinuxGit is a distributed version control software, originally
About embedded Linux serial port programming of AM335x AM62x
The serial port devices under Linux are mainly in the dev directory, such as ttySx or ttySUx or ttyOx For example, am1808 is ttyS0-S2 SU0-SU7, and am335x is ttyO0-O5
Solving Blurry VGA Font Display Issues on AM335x Linux
Solving Blurry VGA Font Display Issues on AM335x Linux
Creating UBIFS Images on AM335x Under Linux
This document explains how to use MTD tools to create a UBIFS image, with parameters varying based on the specific NAND Flash used
Introduction to TI AM62x Boot Modes
The TI AM62x series supports multiple boot modes, allowing for various system configurations